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Planning Board Minutes07/10/08

July 10, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:          Scott Burnside (Member),      Diane Chauncey (Staff),
Bradley Houseworth (Staff),       Andrew Robblee (Chair),       Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio), Sandy Snow (Vice Chair),      Missy Taylor (Member),        Kathi Wasserloos (Member), CR Willeke (Alternate)       
Member & Staff Absent:  Joe Koziell (Member)    

Public Attendees:  None
Chair Robblee convened the Board meeting at 7:15 PM and appointed Mr. Willeke to sit for the absent Mr. Koziell.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes: After one paragraph was moved and a language change made to another paragraph, Mr. Burnside moved to approve the minutes of the June 19, 2008 Board meeting as corrected. It was seconded by Ms. Taylor, and unanimously approved.

Business Meeting: The Board made the decision to go through the rest of the meeting packet and then continue the review of the Town Engineer's proposed changes to the, “Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations.” The Planning Board packet included the following information:

·       Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision, File # 2005-12PB – Final Paving of Knapton Circle to be done next week - The final paving scheduled for July 8 was postponed until the week of July 15. Underwood Engineers, Inc. and Mr. Houseworth will oversee the final paving next Tuesday.
·       ‘The Riggins Rules’ – Suggested dos and don’ts for the conduct of public hearings & board meetings.  Mr. Houseworth said that ‘Riggins Rules’ have been included in the packet as a guide for the Board members regarding proper conduct and etiquette at a public meeting, in addition to the recently adopted ‘By Laws.’  
·       PSNH – New Tree Cutting Policies in PSNH’s transmission rights-of-way (ROW) Mr. Houseworth explained that PSNH has made some changes regarding the removal of trimming of vegetation to prevent interference with power lines on PSNH's transmission ROW. The new policies have been developed in the wake of 9-11 and the Northeast Blackout of 2003.
·       New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) Shoreland Program (Wetlands Bureau) – June 2008 edition of ‘Critical Edge’ Newsletter - Mr. Houseworth explained that the second edition of the NH DES Shoreland program newsletter had excellent information for working with the grid and points system within the fifty (50’) foot waterfront buffer. A discussion ensued of the impacts of the new Shoreland Protection Rules on Antrim residents.
·       Correspondences included one DES Complaint ( potential dock violations at Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision) and two letters of violation (1. Whiting [Map 203, Lot10] - clean-up of junk has begun; 2. LaValley [Map 245, Lot 1] - Improper storage of equipment, junk, and no certificate of occupancy (CO) for new structure).
·       Conferences and trainings: 1) NH DES Shoreland Protection Workshop, August 11, in Meredith NH; 2) 2-day workshop, National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) and the US Environmental     Protection Agency (US EPA) –‘Community Development & Environmental Awareness –A Two-Day Workshop for New England Communities’ on July 15 - 16; 3) NH DES Green Slopes Workshop, which will focus on energy reduction and solid waste recycling for NH ski slopes - July 24, 2008.

Review of the Town Engineer's proposed changes to the, ‘Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations’:

Chair Robblee continued the business meeting at 7:55 PM; it was agreed that 8:30 PM would be a finish time. The review began with Section VII: Performance Bonds Guarantee (of the proposed changes to the, ‘Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations,’ as prepared by Peter Pitsas, Town Engineer.)

The Planning Board members agreed with the following:
·       A.1. - 'Escrow account' will not be replaced by 'performance guarantee' but ‘post a bond’ will be deleted; 'applicant' will replace 'developer'; language changes made and sentences restructured for clarity and proper English.
·       B. - The word 'applicant' will replace 'developer' - throughout; 1., spelling correction - their, 'bond' will be changed to 'performance guarantee' a. 'bond or escrow account' will be changed to 'performance guarantee; i., last sentence, change 'they see' to 'it sees'; ii. 'final acceptance' will be changed to  final completion (passable to traffic)'; 2.'post a performance guarantee' to 'establish an escrow account'; a. 'performance guarantee' to 'escrow account', b. 'performance guarantee' to 'escrow account'.

The Planning Board members discussed the following points and did not come to a conclusion:
·       The cost of a Town Engineer versus the cost of a Certified Testing Agency. How significant a cost difference would there be, and, if a testing company was used, would their services meet the needs of the town?
·       The percentage amount of the performance guarantee - how much should it be? (i.e. 3 - 4% ?)
·       The signing of the mylar - should construction begin before the mylar is signed?
·       The performance guarantee, as stated in the proposed changes, would make it difficult for a local developer, with little capital, to construct a subdivision.
·       Will Town Counsel support on-site construction beginning before the mylar is signed and the plans become final?
·       Will Town Counsel support subdivision regulations which do not require a performance guarantee be posted prior to beginning construction?

At 9:15 PM, the Board realized that the proposed changes of Section VII would not be agreed upon in this session. Mr. Houseworth suggested Mr. Bart Mayer (Town Counsel) attend the next Planning Board meeting in order to provide a legal view, and potential ramifications, of the proposed changes to the existing ‘Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations.’ Ms. Taylor supported the suggestion. It was determined that the next Planning Board meeting will start at 6:00 PM on July 24, 2008 with Attorney Mayer present. The Town Administrator and the Selectmen will also be invited to attend.

Mr. Burnside moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Willeke, and unanimously approved. Chair Robblee adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Staff
On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board